Monday, March 14, 2011

Comparisons: Brawlers


Easily one of the most recognizable characters to anyone who's played a fighting game, Ryu was made famous for his versatility, hard hitting moves, and Hadouken! He is in peak physical condition at all times and takes his training very seriously, as his ultimate goal is to master his fighting style. He has won multiple World martial arts tournaments, and in some of which he nearly killed his opponents. His favorite moves are a rising uppercut that can knock anyone on their ass, a hurricane kick, where he flys through the air spinning as he kicks anything in sight, and Hadouken! Where he shoots a low velocity ball of energy from his hands. This video's old, but shows all of his main fighting moves.

Now onto the little guy

Little Mac

Standing at 4'8", weighing in at 107 pounds, Little Mac is almost legally a little person! He is a fairly standard bboxer, using a normal stance and no crazy moves. What sets him apart is that he beat Mike Tyson and King Hippo, who is a big yello Hippo wearing a crown. Those two are enormous compared to this little guy, but he somehow pulled it off. He doesn't have any special moves, he's just really fast, really strong, and really, really short.

Both of these guys can take alot of punishment, but neither bring any actual protection for a battle with blades either. Against each other Little Mac has more punching power, and his small size and speed makes him a very evasive person. Ryu has the advantage of having a more balanced fighting style, able to jump, kick, and throw fireballs. Against each other, Little Mac would probably win, but overall, Ryu is better suited for a battle like this, so he gets a close edge.
Edge- Ryu


  1. Nice. So all of these guys are going to fight in like a squad on squad battle?

  2. Yeah, although I may have to take out Legolas and Link in all fairness, because they are both extremely overpowered and can end battles immidiately. Everyone else is melee oriented, so it will be more fair and brutal since people won't have the luxury of taking an arrow to the head.
